HL Paper 3
The linear attenuation coefficient μ of a material is affected by the energy of the X-ray beam and by the density ρ of the material. The mass absorption coefficient is equal to to take into account the density of the material.
The graph shows the variation of mass absorption coefficient with energy of the X-ray beam for both muscle and bone.
Show that the attenuation coefficient for bone of density 1800 kg m–3, for X-rays of 20 keV, is about 7 cm–1.
The density of muscle is 1200 kg m–3. Calculate the ratio of intensities to compare, for a beam of 20 keV, the attenuation produced by 1 cm of bone and 1 cm of muscle.
Suggest why more energetic beams of about 150 keV would be unsuitable for imaging a bone–muscle section of a body.
reads value on graph at 20 keV as 4 «cm2 g–1»
«4 cm2 g–1 × 1800 kg m–3 × = » 7.2 «cm–1»
Ensure that the calculation has right POT conversion.
Answer must be to at least two significant figures.
(finds intensity ratios for muscle and bone separately)
Watch for ECF
for muscle: obtains μ = 0.96 cm−1
Allow answers in the range of 0.90 to 1.02 cm–1.
= e−μx so for muscle 0.38
Allow answers in the range of 0.36 to 0.41.
Allow answers in dB. Muscle -4dB, Bone -30 or -31dB
for bone: = 7.5 × 10−4 «if μ = 7.2 is used»
9.1×10−4 «if μ=7 is used»
for muscle: obtains μ = 0.96 cm−1
Allow answers in the range of 0.90 to 1.02 cm–1.
Frequently the POT will be incorrect for MP1. Allow ECF from MP1 to MP2.
Allow +/- 26 or 27dB
Award [2 max] if μ=960 as they will get = 0.
ratio is about 500 «513»
Allow range 395 to 546
If 7 used, ratio is about 420, if 7.2 is used, ratio is about 510
Allow answer IBONE/IMUSCLE from a range 0.0017 to 0.0026.
similar absorption so poor contrast
Examiners report
The density of muscle is 1075 kg m–3 and the speed of ultrasound in muscle is 1590 m s–1.
State a typical frequency used in medical ultrasound imaging.
Describe how an ultrasound transducer produces ultrasound.
Calculate the acoustic impedance Z of muscle.
Ultrasound of intensity 0.012 Wcm–2 is incident on a water–muscle boundary. The acoustic impedance of water is 1.50 x 106 kgm–2s–1.
The fraction of the incident intensity that is reflected is given by
where Z1 and Z2 are the acoustic impedances of medium 1 and medium 2.
Calculate the intensity of the reflected signal.
accept any value between 1 MHz to 20 MHz
[1 mark]
an alternating electrical signal is applied to a crystal
crystal vibrates emitting sound
frequency of vibration of crystal is the same as the frequency of the ac
mention of piezoelectric effect/crystal
[3 marks]
Zmuscle = 1.71 x 106 «kgm–2s–1»
[1 mark]
«» = 4.3 x 10–3
I2 = «0.012 x (4.3 x 10–3) =» 5.1 x 10–5 «Wcm–2»
Allow ECF from (c)(i).
Allow ECF from MP1 to MP2.
[2 marks]
Examiners report
In the context of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging explain the role of
Outline why the fracture in a broken bone can be seen in a medical X-ray image.
The diagram shows X-rays incident on tissue and bone.
The thicknesses of bone and tissue are both 0.054 m.
The intensity of X-rays transmitted through bone is Ib and the intensity transmitted through tissue is It.
The following data are available.
Mass absorption coefficient for bone = mass absorption
coefficient for tissue = 1.2 × 10–2m2kg–1
Density of bone = 1.9 × 103 kgm–3
Density of tissue = 1.1 × 103 kgm–3
Calculate the ratio .
the large uniform magnetic field applied to the patient.
the radio-frequency signal emitted towards the patient.
the non-uniform magnetic field applied to the patient.
bone and tissue absorb different amounts of X-rays
bone and tissue have different attenuation coefficients
so boundaries and fractures are delineated in an image
[2 marks]
[3 marks]
to split the energy level of protons in the body
to cause protons in the body to align with the field / precess at Larmor frequency
[1 mark]
to force/excite protons that are in the spin up/parallel state
into a transition to the spin down/antiparallel state
[2 marks]
the emitted radio frequency signal has a frequency that depends on the magnetic field
with a gradient field different parts of the body have different frequencies and so can be identified
[2 marks]
Examiners report
The table shows the speed of ultrasound and the acoustic impedance for different media.
The fraction F of the intensity of an ultrasound wave reflected at the boundary between two media having acoustic impedances Z1 and Z2 is given by F = .
Outline how ultrasound is generated for medical imaging.
Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of using high frequencies ultrasound over low frequencies ultra sound for medical imaging.
Suggest one reason why doctors use ultrasound rather than X-rays to monitor the development of a fetus.
Calculate the density of skin.
Explain, with appropriate calculations, why a gel is used between the transducer and the skin.
crystal vibration /piezo-electric effect
caused by an alternating potential difference is applied across a crystal
[2 marks]
the wavelength must be less than the size of the object being imaged to avoid diffraction effects
the frequency must be high to ensure several full wavelengths in the pulse
the depth of the organ being imaged must be considered (no more than 200 wavelengths)
attenuation increases at higher frequencies
[1] for advantages, [1] for disadvantages.
[2 marks]
X-rays are an ionizing radiation and so might cause harm to the developing fetus.
there are no known harmful effects when using ultrasound
Ignore “moving images by ultrasound”.
[1 mark]
ρ = = 1.15 × 103 «kgm–3»
[1 mark]
F = = 1.0
F = = 0.02
almost 100% of the ultrasound will be reflected from the air-skin surface OR almost none is transmitted
whereas only 2% will be reflected from the gel-skin surface and so a much greater proportion is transmitted
Need to explain that more is transmitted through gel-skin surface for MP4.
[4 marks]
Examiners report
The attenuation values for fat and muscle at different X-ray energies are shown.
Outline the formation of a B scan in medical ultrasound imaging.
State what is meant by half-value thickness in X-ray imaging.
A monochromatic X-ray beam of energy 20 keV and intensity I0 penetrates 5.00 cm of fat and then 4.00 cm of muscle.
Calculate, in terms of I0, the final beam intensity that emerges from the muscle.
Compare the use of high and low energy X-rays for medical imaging.
many/array of transducers send ultrasound through body/object
B scan made from many A scans in different directions
the reflection from organ boundaries gives rise to position
the amplitude/size gives brightness to the B scan
2D/3D image formed «by computer»
[3 marks]
the thickness of tissue that reduces the intensity «of the X-rays» by a half
where is the half value thickness and μ is attenuation coefficient
Symbols must be defined for mark to be awarded
[1 mark]
after fat layer, Ifat = I0e–0.4499 × 5.00
after muscle layer, I = Ifate–0.8490 × 4.00
I = 0.003533 I0 or 0.35%
[3 marks]
«high energies factors:»
less attenuation/more penetration
more damage to the body
«so» stronger signal leaves the body
«so» used in «most» medical imaging techniques
«low energy factors:»
must be used with enhancement techniques
greater attenuation/less penetration
«so» more damage to the body «on surface layers»
«so» unwanted in «most» medical imaging techniques
[3 marks]
Examiners report
Some optic fibres consist of a core surrounded by cladding as shown in the diagram.
Calculate the maximum angle β for light to travel through the fibre.
Refractive index of core = 1.50
Refractive index of cladding = 1.48
Outline how the combination of core and cladding reduces the overall dispersion in the optic fibres.
realization that 𝜃 min is the critical angle
𝜃 = «sin–1 =» 80.6 «°»
Accept 1.4 rad
β = «90 – 80.6 =» 9.4 «°»
Accept 0.16 rad
because the critical angle is nearly 90°
then only rays that are «almost» parallel to the fibre pass down it
so pulse broadening is reduced
Examiners report
The photograph shows an X-ray image of a hand.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2020.
Explain how attenuation causes the contrast between soft tissue and bone in the image.
X-ray images of other parts of the body require the contrast to be enhanced. State one technique used in X-ray medical imaging to enhance contrast.
bone «denser so» absorb rays «and appear white in the negative» ✓
larger attenuation for bone ✓
muscles have less attenuation, so rays pass through «and appear darker» ✓
Accept the reversed argument
collimation ✓
fluorescent screens «each side of photographic plate» ✓
barium/magnesium meal ✓
Examiners report
Candidates successfully answered in terms of absorption and managed to score two marks but not all of them.
Almost all candidates were familiar with different techniques to enhance contrast. A barium meal was the most popular one.
In nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMR) a patient is exposed to a strong external magnetic field so that the spin of the protons in the body align parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field. A pulse of a radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic wave is then directed at the patient.
Describe the effect of the RF signal on the protons in the body.
Outline the measurement that needs to be made after the RF signal is turned off.
Describe how the measurement in (b) provides diagnostic information for the doctor.
protons spin direction changes
proton energy state changes ✔
Relaxation time «of signal/proton spin» ✔
Location/time delay of the emitted RF signal ✔
Relaxation time gives information on tissue type/density/health/OWTTE✔
Location information provides 3D image/OWTTE✔
Examiners report
Outline how ultrasound, in a medical context, is produced.
Suggest the advantage in medical diagnosis of using ultrasound of frequency 1 MHz rather than 0.1 MHz.
Ultrasound can be used to measure the dimensions of a blood vessel. Suggest why a B scan is preferable to an A scan for this application.
mention of AC voltage OR to piezo-electric crystal ✔
crystal vibrates «at its resonant frequency» ✔
1 MHz waves have shorter wavelength than 0.1 MHz ✔
can probe smaller size areas of organs/have higher resolution ✔
a B scan is a computer generated combination of a large number of A scans ✔
allowing a measurement in different directions/two dimensional image ✔
Examiners report
Production of ultrasound. This is not well known by many candidates. Quite a high number wrote generally correct information or statements about ultrasound, but these were not related or well considered responses directed to the question, for example, “use of gel in ultrasound medical applications”.
In (b) the higher resolution was mentioned by only the best candidates. Some candidates mentioned the notion of “smaller penetration at higher frequencies” – correct, though again not well related to what the question was asking.
Part c) was also difficult to answer for most of the candidates.
An X-ray beam of intensity I0 is incident on lead. After travelling a distance x through the lead the intensity of the beam is reduced to I.
The graph shows the variation of ln with x.
Show that the attenuation coefficient of lead is 60 cm–1.
A technician operates an X-ray machine that takes 100 images each day. Estimate the width of the lead screen that is required so that the total exposure of the technician in 250 working days is equal to the exposure that the technician would receive from one X-ray exposure without the lead screen.
evidence of finding the gradient
μ = «– gradient =» 59.9 «cm–1»
I =
«ln 25000 = μx» x = 0.17 «cm» or 1.7 «mm»
Examiners report
An ultrasound A-scan is performed on a patient.
The graph shows a received signal incident upon a transducer to produce an A-scan. The density of the soft tissue being examined is approximately 1090 kg m-3.
State one advantage and one disadvantage of using ultrasound imaging in medicine compared to using x-ray imaging.
Suggest why ultrasound gel is necessary during an ultrasound examination.
Ultrasound of intensity 50 mW m-2 is incident on a muscle. The reflected intensity is 10 mW m-2. Calculate the relative intensity level between the reflected and transmitted signals.
The acoustic impedance of soft tissue is 1.65 × 106 kg m-2 s-1. Show that the speed of sound in the soft tissue is approximately 1500 m s–1.
Estimate, using data from the graph, the depth of the organ represented by the dashed line.
In the ultrasound scan the frequency is chosen so that the distance between the transducer and the organ is at least 200 ultrasound wavelengths. Estimate, based on your response to (b)(ii), the minimum ultrasound frequency that is used.
A physician has a range of frequencies available for ultrasound. Comment on the use of higher frequency sound waves in an ultrasound imaging study.
Advantage of ultrasound compared to X-rays:
no exposure to radiation
relatively harmless
can be performed in a doctor’s office
can be used to measure blood flow rate
Video image possible <<eg heart, foetus>> ✔
Accept any reasonable advantage.
limited resolution
difficulty imaging lungs or gastrointestinal system
difficulty imaging any body part with a gas in it ✔
Accept any reasonable disadvantage.
Do not allow answers that contradict each other.
gel has similar Z to skin
gel prevents acoustic mismatch ✔
without gel much ultrasound is reflected at skin
gel increases ultrasound transmission ✔
«ms–1» ✔
Answer 1500 is given, check working or look for at least 3 significant figures.
4.5 × 10−2 «m»✔
«m» ✔
«Hz» ✔
«compared to lower frequencies, higher frequencies»
have better resolution ✔
have greater attenuation ✔
used for superficial structures/organs ✔
have greater heating effect ✔
Award [0] for contradictory comments or for any incorrect comment
Examiners report
The question was well answered by almost all candidates.
Most candidates mentioned that the gel improves the transmission of ultrasound. On quite a few occasions candidates seemed to confuse acoustic impedance and refractive index.
The question was generally well answered with a few candidates simply taking the ratio of intensities instead of 10x log ratio (Intensity level)
Almost all candidates managed to obtain the result given.
Many candidates did not seem to know how to start answering the question. The factor of two was often omitted when finding the depth of the organ in the A scan.
Few candidates managed to understand how to approach the problem and to obtain the correct answer. ECF from bii was frequently need.
Most candidates mentioned that the resolution would be better at higher frequencies.
A beam of ultrasound of intensity I0 enters a layer of muscle of thickness 4.1 cm.
The fraction of the intensity that is reflected at a boundary is
where Z1 and Z2 are the acoustic impedances of the two media at the boundary. After travelling a distance x in a medium the intensity of ultrasound is reduced by a factor e–μx where μ is the absorption coefficient.
The following data are available.
Acoustic impedance of muscle = 1.7 × 106 kg m–2 s–1
Acoustic impedance of bone = 6.3 × 106 kg m–2 s–1
Absorption coefficient of muscle = 23 m–1
Determine, in terms of I0, the intensity of ultrasound that is incident on the muscle–bone boundary.
Determine, in terms of I0, the intensity of ultrasound that is reflected at the muscle–bone boundary.
Determine, in terms of I0, the intensity of ultrasound that returns to the muscle–gel boundary.
I0e−23 × 0.041 ✔
= 0.39 I0 ✔
R = « =» 0.33 ✔
so reflected intensity is 0.33 × 0.39I0 = 0.13I0 ✔
0.13I0 × 0.39 = 0.05I0 ✔
Examiners report
Explain the cause of the radio-frequency emissions from a patient’s body during nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging.
Outline how a gradient field allows NMR to be used in medical resonance imaging.
Identify one advantage of NMR over ultrasound in medical situations.
use of strong magnetic field ✓
protons are aligned ✓
radio wave at «nuclear» resonant frequency flips «some of» them into higher energy state ✓
proton de-excites emitting energy at known «radio» wavelength/frequency/Larmor frequency ✓
«which can be located and detected»
mention of gradient field «added to the NMR uniform magnetic field» ✓
reference to «the total field that determines» the output «Larmor» frequency from the de-excitation ✓
different positions «in the body» give rise to different frequencies ✓
«and this can be mapped»
NMR higher resolution ✓
NMR less attenuation ✓
Accept the reverse argument
Examiners report
Candidates proved to be familiar with the use of strong magnetic fields to produce proton alignment and its consequence on excitation de-excitation of protons by emission of radio frequencies (Larmor frequency).
Most candidates continued successfully here by referring to a gradient field eventually leading to a mapping of the position of the protons from (a).
Higher resolution was the most popular answer in a high scoring question overall.
A parallel beam of X-rays travels through 7.8 cm of tissue to reach the bowel surface. Calculate the fraction of the original intensity of the X-rays that reach the bowel surface. The linear attenuation coefficient for tissue is 0.24 cm–1.
The fluid in the bowel has a similar linear attenuation coefficient as the bowel surface. Gases have much lower linear attenuation coefficients than fluids. Explain why doctors will fill the bowel with air before taking an X-ray image.
I0e−0.24 × 7.8 ✔
0.15I0 ✔
Award [2] for bald correct answer.
to produce an X-ray image there must be constrast/a difference in the intensity of the beam transmitted through tissue and the bowel ✔
introduction of air will produce contrast ✔
Examiners report
Air as a contrast medium. Part (a) was well calculated by most of the prepared candidates.
In (b) only the best candidates well identified the importance of the change in contrast of the image (resulting from different attenuation values) needed to locate the organ.
An X-ray beam, of intensity , is used to examine the flow of blood through an artery in the leg of a patient. The beam passes through an equal thickness of blood and soft tissue.
The thickness of blood and tissue is 5.00 mm. The intensity of the X-rays emerging from the tissue is and the intensity emerging from the blood is .
The following data are available.
Mass absorption coefficient of tissue = 0.379 cm2 g–1
Mass absorption coefficient of blood = 0.385 cm2 g–1
Density of tissue = 1.10 × 103 kg m–3
Density of blood = 1.06 × 103 kg m–3
Show that the ratio is close to 1.
State and explain, with reference to you answer in (a)(i), what needs to be done to produce a clear image of the leg artery using X-rays.
In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) protons inside a patient are made to emit a radio frequency electromagnetic radiation. Outline the mechanism by which this radiation is emitted by the protons.
the difference between intensities is negligible so no contrast ✔
modifying the blood is easier than modifying the soft tissue ✔
increase absorption of X-rays in the blood ✔
by injecting/introducing a liquid/chemical/contrast medium ✔
with large mass absorption coefficient/nontoxic/higher density ✔
«a uniform» magnetic field is applied to align proton spins ✔
proton spins are excited by an «external» radio frequency signal/field
protons change from spin-up to spin-down state due to «external» RF signal/field ✔
«radio frequency» radiation is emitted as the protons relax ✔
NOTE: For MP3 do not allow simplistic “protons emit RF radiation” as this is given in the question
Examiners report
State the property of protons used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging.
Explain how a gradient field and resonance are produced in NMR to allow for the formation of images at a specific plane.
«proton» spin
strong B field applied to align proton spins
cross-field applied to give gradient field
each point in a plane has a unique B
RF field excites spins
protons emit RF at resonant/Larmor frequency dependent on Total B field
RF detected shows position in the plane / is used to form 2D images
Allow features to be mentioned in any order
Examiners report
The diagram represents a simple optical astronomical reflecting telescope with the path of some light rays shown.
It is proposed to build an array of radio telescopes such that the maximum distance between them is 3800 km. The array will operate at a wavelength of 2.1 cm.
Comment on whether it is possible to build an optical telescope operating at 580 nm that is to have the same resolution as the array.
«use of to get» resolution of 6.7 × 10–9 «rad»
= 87 «m»
some reference to difficulty in making optical mirrors/lenses of this size
Allow = 105 «m»
[3 marks]
Examiners report
In nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging radio frequency electromagnetic radiation is detected by the imaging sensors. Discuss the origin of this radiation.
«strong» magnetic field aligns proton «spins»
an RF signal is applied to excite protons
change spin up to spin down state
protons de-excite/return to lower energy state
proton relaxation occurs
with emission of RF radiation «that is detected»
Treat any mention of the following as neutral as they are not strictly relevant to the question:
gradient field, Larmor frequency, precession, resonance, 3-D image
[3 marks]